

“I shall seek Your face, LORD.”


It was decades ago now, but I vividly remember coming home from a trip when my son, Ben, was about 3 or 4 years old. I came in and gave him a small …

The Key to the Abundant Life God Wants for You


In our walk with Christ, we often hear about the promise of an abundant life. Of course, Jesus Himself declared in John 10:10, “I came that they may …

The Secret to Going Deeper with God


We don’t sing it much anymore, but there’s a wonderful old hymn by William Cowper that goes: Like me, you probably say “Amen” to that! Because the …

You’re inspiring people like Teresa with God’s proven truth!


Through your support for The Winning Walk, you help make it possible for people to find strength in the promises of God—no matter where, no matter …

Experience God’s Presence


Watch television or scroll through social media and you’ll see ad after ad promising everything you could want for a satisfying life—health, wealth, …

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